While the automatic time zone works, it looks bad. Often when the main page is heavy user needs to look on the white page for a while. APEX doesn't let you change this page natively. I have a nice MIP (Make It Pretty) for you. Check the results: Try our sandbox demo to see the result! Steps to implement the solution: 1) In "Application -> Shared Components -> Application Processes" create a process "On Load: Before Header" with this PL/SQL: declare v_timezone varchar2(4000) := apex_util.get_session_time_zone(); begin -- if no timezone then go to error message if( v_timezone is null ) then raise_application_error(-20001, 'Get timezone'); end if; end; 2) Add this HTML to "Process Error Message" <!-- All we do is in this container will be moved at the top of the page when page loads --> <div id="timezone-window-div"> <!-- I would suggest using JQUERY stored on your side, not from googl...