Few days ago I had to develop dynamic query json export module.
As a sandbox I prepared PLSQL block:
DECLARE c sys_refcursor; l_sql varchar2(4000) := 'select null as "col1", 100 as "col2" from dual union all select 200 as "col1", null as "col2" from dual'; l_file clob; BEGIN open c for l_sql; apex_json.initialize_clob_output; apex_json.open_object; apex_json.write('rowset', c); apex_json.close_object; l_file := apex_json.get_clob_output; apex_json.free_output; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_line(l_file); END;
{ "rowset": [{ "col2": 100 }, { "col1": 200 } ] }
As you can see above PLSQL code doesn't return null value pairs : (
apex_json.write(p_name IN VARCHAR2, p_cursor IN OUT NOCOPY sys_refcursor) procedure Signature 14 doesn't support null. How to fix it... ? APEX API provides apex_json.write Signature 15 where you can pass 3 parameters:
p_name IN VARCHAR2 - The attribute name.
p_value IN sys.xmltype - The value to be written. The XML is converted to JSON
p_write_null IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE - If true, write NULL values. If false (the default), do not write NULLs.
According description p_value must be xmltype. So we can prepare xml object from ref_cursor with null nodes and then we can use apex_json.write Signature 15. Let's do it !
DECLARE c sys_refcursor; l_sql varchar2(4000) := 'select null as "col1", 100 as col2 from dual union all select null as "col1", null as col2 from dual'; l_xml xmltype; l_ctx dbms_xmlgen.ctxHandle; BEGIN open c for l_sql; /* converts the results of a SQL query to a canonical XML format */ l_ctx := dbms_xmlgen.newContext(c); /* Sets NULL handling options */ dbms_xmlgen.setNullHandling(l_ctx, dbms_xmlgen.EMPTY_TAG); l_xml := dbms_xmlgen.getxmltype(l_ctx); dbms_xmlgen.closecontext(l_ctx); close c; apex_json.initialize_clob_output; apex_json.open_object; /* I don't know why but 3-th parameter doesn't work for me, always returns null which is ok in my case */ apex_json.write('rowset', l_xml, true); apex_json.close_all; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_line(apex_json.get_clob_output); END;
{ "rowset": [{ "col1": null, "col2": 100 }, { "col1": null, "col2": null } ] }
Probably you can reach the same result using other way but if you need to use apex_json.write its one of possible solution.
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