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Oracle APEX – Amazon ALEXA integration WITHOUT Amazon Lambda ! (PART 1)

I found few examples how to integrate Amazon Alexa with Oracle. All solutions used Amazon Lambda microservice (node.js). But it’s not necessary. You need only two elements: Oracle with ORDS and Amazon Alexa Skill.

- Amazon account ( )
- Oracle 11g +
- Oracle ORDS (accessed thru SSL)
- APEX (optionaly)

1. For demo I used only one simple table:

create table alexa_orders  
  alo_id      raw(16) default sys_guid() primary key,
  alo_name    varchar2(4000),
  alo_qty     number,
  alo_value   number,
  alo_date    date,
  alo_status  varchar2(1024),
  alo_ship_date date

You can use these inserts to populate sample datas

insert into alexa_orders ( alo_name, alo_qty , alo_value , alo_date, alo_status, alo_ship_date) 
values ('Pizza Pepperoni', round(dbms_random.value(1,10),0), round(dbms_random.value(5,1000),2), sysdate-dbms_random.value(1,3),'In progress',sysdate+((1/1440)*dbms_random.value(1,120)));
insert into alexa_orders ( alo_name, alo_qty , alo_value , alo_date, alo_status, alo_ship_date) 
values ('Pizza Margarita',round(dbms_random.value(1,10),0), round(dbms_random.value(5,1000),2), sysdate-dbms_random.value(1,3),'Prepared raw',sysdate+(1/1440)*dbms_random.value(1,120));
insert into alexa_orders ( alo_name, alo_qty , alo_value , alo_date, alo_status, alo_ship_date) 
values ('Pizza Diabolo',round(dbms_random.value(1,10),0), round(dbms_random.value(5,1000),2), sysdate-dbms_random.value(1,3),'Completed',sysdate+(1/1440)*dbms_random.value(1,120));
insert into alexa_orders ( alo_name, alo_qty , alo_value , alo_date, alo_status, alo_ship_date) 
values ('Pizza Pepperoni',round(dbms_random.value(1,10),0), round(dbms_random.value(5,1000),2), sysdate-dbms_random.value(1,3),'Delivered',sysdate+(1/1440)*dbms_random.value(1,120));
insert into alexa_orders ( alo_name, alo_qty , alo_value , alo_date, alo_status, alo_ship_date) 
values ('Pizza Diabolo',round(dbms_random.value(1,10),0), round(dbms_random.value(5,1000),2), sysdate-dbms_random.value(1,3),'Delivered',sysdate+(1/1440)*dbms_random.value(1,120));

2. All Oracle logic I packaged into one PLSQL package:

    PROCEDURE parse_alexa_skill (
        p_body IN BLOB

    PROCEDURE add_order (
        pr_alexa_orders IN OUT alexa_orders%rowtype

END alexa_pkg;

create or replace PACKAGE BODY ALEXA_PKG AS

* Transform blob to clob datatype.

* Author: Andrzej Nowakowski
* Since: 28-02-2018
* Version: 1.0.0

* @param p_date - blob data
FUNCTION blob_to_clob (p_data  IN  BLOB)
  l_clob         CLOB;
  l_dest_offset  PLS_INTEGER := 1;
  l_src_offset   PLS_INTEGER := 1;
  l_lang_context PLS_INTEGER := DBMS_LOB.default_lang_ctx;
  l_warning      PLS_INTEGER;

    lob_loc => l_clob,
    cache   => TRUE);

   dest_lob      => l_clob,
   src_blob      => p_data,
   amount        => DBMS_LOB.lobmaxsize,
   dest_offset   => l_dest_offset,
   src_offset    => l_src_offset, 
   blob_csid     => DBMS_LOB.default_csid,
   lang_context  => l_lang_context,
   warning       => l_warning);
   RETURN l_clob;
END blob_to_clob;

* Translate date type to Alexa date type.

* Author: Andrzej Nowakowski
* Since: 28-02-2018
* Version: 1.0.0

* @param p_date - some date
* @return Alexa date type "Monday, first May"
function say_date (p_date in date)
return varchar2

if p_date is null then
return null;
return trim(to_char(p_date,'Day'))||'. ????'||trim(to_char(p_date,'MMDD'))||'';
end if;

end say_date;

* Prepare message for ALEXA session.

* Author: Andrzej Nowakowski
* Since: 28-02-2018
* Version: 1.0.0

* @param p_voice_message - what alexa must say
* @param p_card_title - what display on Alexa card title (you can see it on Alexa app)
* @param p_card_content - what display on Alexa card content (you can see it on Alexa app)
* @return ALEXA specific message
function alexa_answer (    p_voice_message in varchar2,
                           p_card_title    in varchar2 default 'APEXUTIL',
                           p_card_content  in varchar2 default 'Apex Pizza orders information')
return varchar2
l_message varchar2(32000);

l_message := '
  "version": "1.0",
  "sessionAttributes": {},
  "response": {
    "outputSpeech": {
      "type": "SSML",
      "ssml": "'||p_voice_message||'"
    "card": {
      "type": "Simple",
      "title": "'||p_card_title||'",
      "content": "'||p_card_content||'"

    "shouldEndSession": true


return l_message;

end alexa_answer;

* Prepare data for alexa.

* Author: Andrzej Nowakowski
* Since: 28-02-2018
* Version: 1.0.0

* @param p_values - ALEXA'a JSON message
* @param p_json_count - quantity of alexa variables
* @param p_voice_message - what alexa must say
* @param p_card_title - what display on Alexa card title (you can see it on Alexa app)
* @param p_card_content - what display on Alexa card content (you can see it on Alexa app)
procedure message_howmanyorders(p_values        in apex_json.t_values,
                                p_json_count    in number,
                                p_voice_message in out varchar2,
                                p_card_title    in out varchar2,
                                p_card_content  in out varchar2)

l_slots_name varchar2(4000);
l_slot_value varchar2(4000);
l_return_howmanyorders number;


    for x in 1.. p_json_count

     l_slots_name := apex_json.get_members(p_path=>'request.intent.slots',p_values=>p_values)(x) ;
     l_slot_value := apex_json.get_varchar2(p_path=>'request.intent.slots.'||l_slots_name||'.value',p0=>x,p_values=>p_values);


    if l_slot_value is not null then
        if      REGEXP_COUNT(l_slot_value, '-')=2 then --ex. today, now, tomorrow, november twenty-fifth, next monday, right now
            select count(*) into l_return_howmanyorders from alexa_orders where trunc(alo_date,'DD') = to_date(l_slot_value,'YYYY-MM-DD');
        elsif   REGEXP_COUNT(l_slot_value, '-')=1 and REGEXP_COUNT(l_slot_value, 'W')= 0 then --this month, last month
            select count(*) into l_return_howmanyorders from alexa_orders where to_char(trunc(alo_date,'DD'),'YYYY-MM') =  l_slot_value;
        elsif   REGEXP_COUNT(l_slot_value, '-')=1 and REGEXP_COUNT(l_slot_value, 'W')= 1 then --ex. this week, next week
            select count(*) into l_return_howmanyorders from alexa_orders where to_char(trunc(alo_date,'DD'),'YYYY-"W"IW') =  l_slot_value;
        elsif   REGEXP_COUNT(l_slot_value, '-')=0 then --ex. this yesr, last year
            select count(*) into l_return_howmanyorders from alexa_orders where to_char(alo_date,'YYYY') =  l_slot_value;
        elsif   REGEXP_COUNT(l_slot_value, '-')=1 and REGEXP_COUNT(l_slot_value, 'W')= 0 then --this month, last month
        end if;
        p_voice_message := 'Apex Pizza processed '||l_return_howmanyorders||'  orders';
        p_voice_message := 'Please say again';
    end if;
  end loop;

p_card_content  := p_voice_message;

end message_howmanyorders;

* Main procedure. Parse ALEXA data and return answer

* Author: Andrzej Nowakowski
* Since: 28-02-2018
* Version: 1.0.0

* @param p_values - ALEXA'a JSON message
* @param p_json_count - quantity of alexa variables
* @param p_voice_message - what alexa must say
* @param p_card_title - what display on Alexa card title (you can see it on Alexa app)
* @param p_card_content - what display on Alexa card content (you can see it on Alexa app)
procedure parse_alexa_skill (p_body in blob)
l_body_clob     clob;
l_values        apex_json.t_values;
l_intent_name   varchar2(4000);
l_json_count    number;

l_voice_message varchar2(4000);
l_card_title    varchar2(4000);
l_card_content  varchar2(4000);

--transfer blob to clob
l_body_clob := blob_to_clob (p_data => p_body);

--Parse clob to json object

l_intent_name := apex_json.get_varchar2(p_path=>'',p0=>1,p_values=>l_values);

--Check how many rows in json object
l_json_count := apex_json.get_count
                                     p_path      => 'request.intent.slots',
                                     p_values    => l_values

if l_intent_name in ('howmanyorders') then
message_howmanyorders(  p_values        =>  l_values,
                        p_json_count    =>  l_json_count,
                        p_voice_message =>  l_voice_message,
                        p_card_title    =>  l_card_title,
                        p_card_content  =>  l_card_content);  
htp.p(alexa_answer (p_voice_message =>  l_voice_message,
                    p_card_title    =>  l_card_title,
                    p_card_content  =>  l_card_content));

end if;

end parse_alexa_skill;

  procedure add_order (pr_alexa_orders in out alexa_orders%rowtype) AS
    -- TODO: Implementation required for procedure ALEXA_PKG.add_order
  END add_order;


In the package you can find:
  • BLOB_TO_CLOB function - Used to convert http response to readable clob
  • SAY_DATE function - Returning date in Alexa format (very specific)
  • ALEXA_ANSWER function - Used to prepare ALEXA JSON message
  • MESSAGE_HOWMANYORDERS procedure - Preparing information from ALEXA_ORDERS table (in Oracle)
  • PARSE_ALEXA_SKILL procedure - Used as a main API. It will be used by RESTService

3. Next prepare REST web service. You can use APEX, SQL Developer or PLSQL API. In this case SQLDeveloper is used.

Remember, to create webservice you have to use ORDS 3.08 or newest.
On begining enable RESTService on schema layer, my schema name is "aps":

Enable RESTService on schema layer STEP 1

Enable RESTService on schema layer STEP 2

Enable RESTService on schema layer STEP 3

Next create REST module. On Connections pannel expand REST Data Services branch and try to add new module. 

Add REST module. 

Add REST module. STEP 1

Add REST module. STEP 2

Add REST module. STEP 3

After this create Handler.

Add Handler

Add Handler Next step

Finaly connect PLSQL with RESTService. You can see SQL Worksheet with Parameters and Details tabs. (In this place SQLDeveloper is not validating syntax - be careful )

Copy, paste and Save this code into SQL Worksheet:

ALEXA_PKG.parse_alexa_skill (p_body => :body);
:status := 200;

You can see two parameters :body and :status. These parameters are build in so it's not allowed to define them into Parameters tab.

That's all on Oracle layer!

In the next post on blog I will describe how to prepare ALEXA skills and how to connect all together.

Second part is here:


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